Does Neurographics even work?
People tend to greatly discount some of the psychological tools because... well, they just don't seem serious enough. However, we've learned a great deal about how our brain 🧠 operates, so it's pretty easy to prove the efficiency of Neurographics scientifically.
I'll be diving more into neuroscience throughout this blog, but for now, let me name just the top 3 fundamentals to Neurographics.
1. Remember how our parents tried to develop our fine motor skills in our toddler age? Oddly enough, these skills help children develop speaking and intellectual abilities. And for adults, fine motor skills are no less important as they keep supporting and developing our cognitive functions: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, perception, sensation, and also speech.
2. Both, anthropologists and evolutionary biologists have accumulated evidence suggesting that human interest in, and creation of, art evolved as an evolutionarily necessary mechanism for survival. As a result, a new scientific field has evolved in 1999 – Neuroesthetics – that studies how art creating affects human development in an individual and society.
3. Finally, a growing body of scientific studies prove that art therapy – to which Neurographics may also belong – fosters self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivates emotional resilience, promotes insights, enhances social skills, reduces and resolves conflicts and distress, advances societal change. Finally, expressing our cognition in symbols and visuals help us reveal our subconscious nature.
More on neuroscience in other posts.